Our Team
J. Mark Payne has 25 years of experience as a county attorney, serving in Johnston County for 13 years and 12 years as the Guilford County Attorney. In that time, he has represented every kind of local government board in every kind of litigation, including complex elections law matters and a significant role in the ground-breaking national opioid litigation. He has provided training to local government boards and staff, as well as his fellow government attorneys through CLE presentations. Prior to his serving service as a county attorney, Mark was in the NC Attorney General’s Office with responsibility in environmental law, utilities law and appellate work.
Taniya Reaves may have even broader experience, if not a long, as she has worked extensively in private practice and local government while serving as Deputy County Attorney for Guilford County. Taniya’s broad range of expertise includes, but is certainly not limited to, DSS law, child and adult welfare, elections law, building code enforcement and zoning, appellate work.
Both Mark and Taniya have won numerous awards and recognitions form our peers and colleagues. Compete resunmes are available upon request.